Booking Policies

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly ask that you notify us at least 48 hours prior, your booking fee will remain on your account as credit which can be used on future services. If you don’t notify us within this time frame, this will result in a loss of your booking fee.
If you cancel on the day, you will have the full appointment charged to your card.

Cancellations & reschedules.

No shows.

Failure to show up for your appointment without prior notice will results in the loss of your booking fee and you will have your card charged for the remaining balance until future bookings can be made.

Please be mindful of our 10 minute grace period and let us know if you are running behind (life can be unpredictable). If you are later than 10 minutes, your appointment may be shortened, rescheduled or cancelled which will result in a loss of booking fee. We allocate enough time in our appointments to make sure we aren’t rushed and provide our best service for you.

Late arrivals.

A non-refundable booking fee is required to secure your appointment which will be applied to the final service cost. Deposit can only be transferred to another appointment time if more than 48 hours notice is given and will remain on your account as credit which can be used on future services.

Booking fee.

Due to the nature of my work, please respect that I am a child free business. As I am currently renting a space out of an existing clinic, I value and prioritise providing a quiet, peaceful and focused environment for other therapists and clients. I kindly ask that you come alone to ensure the safety of you and your children as I need to ensure my focus is on you and only you.

Children in salon.